We even digitize your old negatives

Besides digitizing slides, we as well offer you further services. One of them is the scanning of old negatives. Digitizing negatives will save them before falling apart and will take care of them so that next generations will be able to look at your pictures and be delighted.

Old memories are stacked in nearly every household. Not only in the form of slides, but also in the form of negatives. During past decades, when digital photography hasn’t been used, all events have been left analogously to posterity. Many people ask themselves how they could digitize negatives in top-quality and thereby save them for next generations. Here comes the MEDIAFIX GmbH with its different departments DIAFIX, NEGATIVFIX, and FOTOSCANFIX into play where different analog pictures can be digitized.

Scanning of negatives: Digital future for analog memories

Unfortunately, old pictures – recorded on slides, negatives or photos – don’t last forever. If you wish to enjoy taking a look at your old memories in future and share them with your grandchildren, you shouldn’t wait too long for giving your analog photos a digital future. Digital photos can be handed over easily – even to an aunt in America. You can edit them and easily carry them with you – on a tablet-pc or smart phone.

Scanning negatives on your own?

Scanning negatives on your domestic computer is difficult and the results are unfortunately not really satisfying. In addition, lots of negatives usually show an orange mask which isn’t easy to remove. In order to get perfect results, a very high-priced scanner (starting from 1,000€) has to be purchased (take a look at our summary about a negative scanning test to get more information) as well as a certain know-how in the field of picture editing has to be available. You will ask yourself whether you trust yourself to scan your pictures on your own and whether your expertise and the given equipment will be good enough. Another factor which might as well speaks against scanning negatives at your domestic computer is the very high time exposure. In order to digitize an average size of a private collection of negatives you have to plan on needing several days.

Rather straight to a professional – NEGATIVFIX will take the whole work out of your hands

Why should you invest time and money in single-handed scanning and be dissatisfied with your results? NEGATIVFIX will take care of the whole work for you!

Our prices for scanning negatives are low but our quality is really good: We scan your old memories in a resolution of 3,900 dpi and develop the pictures digital right away. Starting from just 0.12€/negative!

Test us with a free scanning-sample up to three stripes of negatives and we will convince you of our high quality!


With our non-binding order sheet you can easily get in touch with us and we will call you back and talk about all the details and open questions you might have.

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